Thursday 29 April 2021

Difference between microprocessor and microcontroller hand written notes

 Difference between microprocessor and microcontroller


  • It consists a l u , c u and resistors.
  • No internal memory.
  • No interfacing circuits like timer and counters.
  • यूज्ड फॉर जनरल परपज ऑपरेशंस एंड एप्लीकेशंस
  • Examples intel  8050 , 8086 ,...,i7 ,i8
  • It follows Van Neuman Architecture.
  • Program and data stored at same place.
  • CPU is stand alone as RAM,ROM, INPUT/OUTPUT, TIMER ETC are separated.


  • It also purchased of a l u, cu and register.
  • Contains internal memory.
  • Contents interfacing circuits like timers and counters etc.
  • Examples 8051 PIc8
  • Used for specific over a particular application.
  • It follows forward architecture.
  • Data and programs are stored in different places.
Central processing unit ,Ram ,ROM ,input and output unit and timers for on single chip.

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