Sunday 18 October 2020

what is The Differences in AC Current vs DC Current ?


Direct current, developed by Thomas Edison and the standard of America’s early foray into the world of electricity, involves the use of current that runs in a single direction. Unfortunately, its inability to be easily converted into higher/lower voltages led others to look to alternative solutions: Namely Nikola Tesla’s AC current. Alternating and reversing direction 60 times per second (50 in Europe), AC current could be converted to different voltages more easily using a transformer. The “War of the Currents” ensued as the inventors battled for relevance (and royalties) in the future of America’s electrical infrastructure. In the end George Westinghouse partnered with Tesla, leading AC into American homes nationwide. However, in recent years, DC has seen a bit of a renaissance. Why?

Application Powers the Need for AC vs DC Current

While both AC and DC current deliver electricity, the way in which that electricity arrives at its end destination differs. What are your appliances and electronics eating?

  • AC
    Your home or office receives electricity in the form of wave-like AC current, which is capable of changing direction and voltage from higher to lower current with the aid of transformers. In your home it is eaten by corded appliances small and large, from your HVAC to your TV and dishwasher.
  • DC
    The consistent and constant voltage of DC power supplies electronics that use a battery, such as your mobile device or smartphone. Like the battery powering your kid’s remote control car, the smooth, steady electrical current of DC power always flows in the same direction, between positive and negative terminals.
  • AC/DC
    Your laptop uses a combination of both types of electric current, beginning with AC from the outlet to your charging cord, to be converted into DC via the bulky little box (a power adapter) between the outlet and the end that plugs into your computer to recharge the battery. Some vehicles likewise use a combination of AC/DC current.

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